
Kim Song-Ju or better known as Kim Il-Sung (15 April 1912-8 July 1994) was a North Korean Communist Politician who was the first Communist Dictator of North Korea from 1948-1994 who was responsible for the Korean War (1950-1953) during Cold War from 1948-1991 . Kim Il-Sung was born on 15 April 1912 as Kim Song-Ju in Korea under Japan’s control. In 1941 during World War 2 in Asia Kim Il-Sung fought in the Red Army as a military officer for the Soviet Union led by Joseph Stalin . He remained in the Red Army as a military officer from 1941 until 1946 when he created the Korean Workers Party of North Korea in 1946 and became the Communist Dictator of North Korea in 1948 after Korea was divided into Communist North and Capitalist South. In 1950 he started the Korean War against South Korea but failed until 1953 when he was forced to ask for a armistice to prevent World War 3 during the Cold War . He remained dictator of North Korea until 1994 when died at age 82 . He was responsible for millions of deaths of his own people in North Korea between 1948 and 1994 where millions of North Korean Civilians starved to death in cities or in Labour Camps . Kim Il-Sung also dislike people accidentally dropping portraits of himself which led to a lot of executions in North Korea between 1948 and 1994 . In the 1970’s he created the Communist ideology known as Juche in North Korea which is like a nationalistic Communist ideology but turned it to a Nazbol Communist Ideology during the reforms of North Korea between 1991 and 1994 . He is also the father of Kim Jong-Il (from 1941-1994) and grandfather of Kim Jong-Un (1984-1994) .
